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Tito Ferradans
Read ReviewsOn the heels of the most epic course on anamorphic lenses, educator Tito Ferradans is back with brand new lessons in Anamorphic Cookbook Part 2.
As an exclusive bonus, MZed Pro members can get a free copy of Tito Ferradans' "Anamorphic on a Budget" ebook by going to the Member Discounts page under Account Settings.
Tito Ferradans
Read ReviewsYou want the anamorphic look but can't justify the added cost? No problem. This new course from Tito Ferradans shows you how to modify lenses and experiment with filters and post-production techniques so that you can Anamorfake It Until You Make it!
As an exclusive bonus, MZed Pro members can get a free copy of Tito Ferradans' "Anamorfake It Until You Make It" ebook and bonus content by going to the Member Discounts page under Account Settings.
Tito Ferradans
Read ReviewsThe Anamorphic Cookbook is the ultimate course about the history of anamorphic lenses and how to put together your own rig. After five years of experimenting with various lenses, systems, and cameras, educator Tito Ferradans has created a fast-paced and entertaining guide to anamorphics, saving you both time and money on your anamorphic journey.
As an exclusive bonus, MZed Pro members can get a free copy of Tito Ferradans' "Anamorphic on a Budget" ebook by going to the Member Discounts page under Account Settings.
Make a commitment to becoming a better filmmaker, today. Seven-day money-back guarantee (view full terms here).
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