Watch MZed Courses in Over 130 Languages

Using Google Chrome, you can follow along with a live transcript in any language

Generally speaking, being proficient in English often grants non-native speakers access to better and more influential sources of information. Still, there are many different reasons why you might find learning a new skill in your mother tongue more convenient, whether it be for speed or comfort. Hence, since language should not be an obstacle to your growth, MZed offers creators worldwide a valuable way to enjoy 300+ hours of online filmmaking education in over 130 languages.

MZed Pro currently hosts over 40+ video courses held by some of the most world-renowned educators in the industry, with new courses being added consistently. Available lessons span a wide range of filmmaking topics, from writing, producing, and shooting, to editing and color grading.

Translate filmmaking courses 130 languages

In order to make them available to a global community of creators, all of our world-class courses are in English. However, we’d like to share a simple trick you can use to benefit from captions in your native speaking language while enjoying our educational content. This smoothens the learning curve, making every chapter more enjoyable to watch and facilitating the process of taking notes in your mother tongue.

Read the full article at CineD - How to Enjoy MZed Pro Education in 130+ Languages

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