Instructor is engaging, inspiring and a brilliant teacher!
Laurence Konishi
Phenomenal. Really outstanding work from Kitty! Man she's talented. Highly recommended.
Sean Fry
Fidel Ventocilla
It's definitely not easy but Kitty makes it look possible and provides great advice to get started and sustain your channel. I enjoyed a lot the bonus content from other creators as well, they have great tips!
Thank you, after watching this I feel motivated to get started!
Gerd Schweinitz
Fresh, lively, and filled with 'real world' practicalities. I thoroughly enjoyed this course and heartily recommend it.
Marshall Cant
Amazing! Was about to cancel my subscription, this made the difference! More stuff like this please! Digital creators need the help.
Joshua Brecht
Its a good course for Youtube. If you ARE searching for more camera or filming classes take a diffrent course.
Yosemite Valley Charter School
Excellent Course! Great content with smart, structured, easy to understand step by step instructions. This course is worth the cost of the subscription :)
Khristian Alexander
By far the best course I've seen on making a YouTube channel!
Jennifer Weir
Everything I needed to know...and more. Thank you Kitty.
Robin Kirkley
Vey inspiring and hands on.
I'll start my youtube channel today, definitely.
Hugo Ferreira
Excellent course. So much better than the many YouTube videos I've seen on the same subject. Very professional and useful. My only slight disappointment was that there wasn't more on TubeBuddy since almost everybody seems to say it's essential and I'd have liked to see some advice on how best to use it. But that's a small niggle. This was an excellent course.
Ian Smith
Yes Please and Thank you :-)
Aruho Manzi
This course has some good advice and good topics to start with. But, I wanted more of a deeper dive on certain topics like user interface, metrics, collaboration contracts, and I wanted to see how properly attribute music and sound effects. Overall all though it was worth the listen.
Alec Arnold